So seeds of righteousness & harvest the Kingdom within

support the shift, transforming the streets

Let us transform the disenfranchised Hebrew-Moorish (Afro-Americans) communities that was once ghetto and neglected to a paradise. We may call it “GHETTO PARADISE” The once known “hood” shall be made to be a center where the most renown individuals come to experience Divine admiration.

Spread the word

United we stand divided we are destroyed. We shall come out of this affliction of oppression with great substance as The Most High has promised to our forefather Abraham. Our time is served and our debt is paid (Isaiah 40). Now let us unite in an unprecedented way and comfort our people. To activate the Trust of Besorah Nation effectively, we need to raise 100 million dollars. Here you can keep track of the amount of funds raised in real time, updated weekly. A minimum of 70% of each donation will be transferred into Besorah Nation Trust and shall be utilized to execute the Divine mission. An amount up to 30% from each donation may be used for the Trustor to continue the campaign and setting the building blocks to culminate the greatest outreach and readiness. Together we will destroy poverty in every city across North America where predominantly Hebrew-Moorish (Afro-Americans) communities resides. We can do all things through the anointing who strengthens us because He that is in us is greater than those who are of the world.