declaration of independence
When in the course of human events begin continuously bathing in depravity, clothing themselves with hypocrisy and misprision of treason against the Moors, being the true light bearers, who have been chosen by The AL Mighty God himself; We overstand it becomes necessary for the one group of people to suspend the political bonds that have tied one another, this act is not to be undertaken lightly. Such a decision has arisen from compelling causes rooted in desire for justice and Divine reasoning, not mere convenience, or personal ambition. The natural Divine order, governed by the Laws of Nature and of the Nature’s Creator, grants all peoples an inherent right to self-determination, the right to privacy, and the right to contract unlimitedly allowing them to claim a distinct and equal position among the nations of the world. However, this right carries with it a solemn responsibility; wherefore seeking separation We the Moors, who are known by the world to be The Set Apart Ones of YasharAL (Also known as the true ancient descendants of Jacob) articulate our grievances clearly and offer justifiable reasons for these actions, lest the motives be misunderstood or dismissed as reckless or illegitimate.
The history of the United States of America major and minor have illustrated a deep history of perpetual atrocities and usurpations against the Moors. To prove this let facts be submitted and Truth stand to be spread over the face of the earth.
Moorish history of the Americas is profound, extensive and largely obscured by centuries of systemic erasure. The principalities, knowledge, culture, and influence predate the arrival of European colonizers, shaping much of the early world in ways that are rarely acknowledged. We the Moors, as bearers of advanced sciences, mathematics, philosophy, architecture, and governance, carried a legacy of enlightenment that laid the foundation for what would become cornerstones of “Western progress.” Even as these contributions permeated European knowledge, the colonists' powers exploited these advancements without regard for their origins, extracting wealth and power while failing to honor the source of legacy.
United States and European Monarchs has plundered the vast estate and resources belonging to the Moors, they have benefited immensely from the free labor that created generational wealth and power for their successors from the cruel enslavement, grand theft and reclassification of those who shared Moorish ancestry. As the “Holy Wars” and Spanish Inquisition began the so-called “Atlantic slave trade” unfolded due to papal bulls, edicts and the secret treaty of Verona by European monarchs and the papacy; Many descendants of the Moors, who are the indigenous peoples of the Americas, continental landmass were deliberately stripped of their identities, language, and lawful status. In reclassifying the Moors as “Negro,” “Colored,” “Black,” “Indian savages” or “African American,” colonial and feudal systems sought to erase the nationality, sovereign identity, hereditary rights and cultural lineage that the Moors possess.
The Naturalization act of 1870 restricted sovereignty under code words U.S. citizenship to “free white persons” presumptively being held only to that of caucasians further entrenched the dispossession. Moorish Americans became naturalized in the United States under presumptive legal statuses as “Negro,” “Black,” “Colored” etcetera thus relegated to a status of statelessness, non-descendability and labeled civiliter mortuus; through conniving legal tactics and language of legalese defining common terms associated with swarthy people as legal statuses, the United States proposed plausible deniability and justification for their dehumanization acts based off Moors “consent” to be classified as such. However, this was derived from deceitful measures to give the appearance the Moors consented to their own injustice, therefore disabling them to invoke their full rights and hereditary claims in a system that denied Moors natural sovereignty and historical connection to the land of the Americas.
The United States is culpable of undermining the republic, instituting a demonocracy. enslaving, trafficking, plundering, pillaging, molesting, swindling, murdering, millions of Moorish Americans; forcibly dispossessing them of their own land and acquiring massive amounts of wealth by free labor and other social and systemic means of oppression. By subjecting the Moors under brutal conditions of mutilation the United States were successful to get the Moors to submit under duress and fear for obedience resulting in catastrophic trauma, wherefore the Moors have been put in a comatose state of existence politically, spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, economically and psychologically. As a result, these violations of international law and heinous crimes destroyed the Moors completely as a people, whereas the United States were able to help Rome extend their empire across all continents where the Moors dominions were previously established, plundering all their virtue and wealth from their land and souls without remorse.
Despite the historic evidence of atrocities committed by the United States and European monarchs they have propose no retribution for the massive debt that is owed and due to the indigenous peoples of Americas, nor halted their efforts in subduing the Moors to a state of sub-standardization perpetually. Their history of the Christian black codes, Jim Crow Laws, organized race riots, public lynchings, forced assimilation, mass incarceration, counterintelligence programs, discriminatory oppressive policies and police brutalities is still present to this day and has demonstrated the United States and European Monarchs does not have the best interest of the Moors at heart and have drastically breached the international treaty of peace and friendship which is the supreme law of the land.
In every stage of these oppressions, we the Moors have tried continuously petitioning for justice from the United States in historic measures on respectful terms only to be answered with repeated injuries and scoffing. A nation state whose character is thus marked by every act which may define dictatorship is incompetent to be a governing body politic for a free people.
Thus, declaring the causes for separation is an act of both necessity and integrity. It ensures that the decision to part ways is transparent, guided by principle rather than passion, and undertaken with respect for the judgment of humanity at large. By making our grievances public, the separating of the Moors signal that our actions are not driven by lawlessness but by a commitment to justice. In exposing the abuses that compel us to withdraw from the existing political arrangement, they fulfill both our duty to ourselves and to the broader community of nations, demonstrating that the pursuit of independence is not treasonous but a rightful assertion of our inherent dignity and right.
It is hereby declared and proclaimed that the corpus body of governance and identified as United States and its democracy is deemed rejected and void ab initio on grounds of treason. Furthermore, any and all unilateral and adhesion contracts entered into with the United States or any of its subsidiaries with parties of subjugated Moors that shall be protected by this Trust are likewise declared rejected and void ab initio, having been established under practices constituting racketeering.
The entity known as the United States incorporated, along with all of its de facto agencies and subordinate institutions, is declared null from inception due to collusion.
Accordingly, the United States of America—both Major and Minor—is hereby demanded to restore and surrender all dominions, municipalities, principalities, estates, allodial titles, and all precious metals derived from the land to the rightful heirs, namely the Moors, recognized as the true and original indigenous peoples of the Americas by natural law and international law.
This declaration is final and binding, to be executed without delay, ensuring justice is restored to the rightful heirs.
This Declaration of Trust and Independence is not subject to the discretion of any international court judge, country, papacy, or European monarchy. Any objection to or rejection of this Declaration shall be required to be settled with the consular court established by the Trust and if no settlement can be reached then shall a proceeding commence in an international tribunal. Through the acceptance of this instrument the United States major and minor are hereby notified and shall act accordingly. If this instrument shall be dishonored through silence after acceptance of the instrument; United States major, and minor shall have tacitly acquiesced and shall without further ado be obliged to follow and respect the declaration and proclamation without molestation against the Moors.
The declaration of trust and independence by we the Moors is not a renunciation of our natural rights or an abdication of our ability to engage in economic, social, or civic activities within the United States of America Major or Minor. Rather, it serves as a formal assertion of the Moors intent to pursue self determination and autonomy.
This declaration underscores the expectation that our right to establish sovereignty will be respected in accordance with the Constitution along with international principles of self governance, without forfeiting the Moors ability to work, participate, or contribute within existing structures during the transitional period.
Furthermore, this declaration also serves as a notice for the United States to acknowledge and facilitate this transition in good faith. The Moors shall expect appropriate time to be allotted for the orderly realization of our political independence, alongside reparative measures to expedite the process.
These reparations, as a matter of equity are intended to support the Moors in achieving full self-sufficiency, reinforcing our emergence as a distinct and autonomous body politic. The expectation is that both parties will collaborate to ensure a smooth and just transition, fostering stability and mutual respect.
Besorah Nation is hereby declared and established by the undersigned Trustor, Yahudon Yashar AL created this [Day/Month/Year] of our Heavenly Father Yahuah, Creator of Heaven and Earth, in accordance with the principles of trust law. The Trustor, with full legal capacity, conveys certain property and assets to the named Trustee(s) for the exclusive benefit of the Beneficiaries, as designated herein. This declaration reflects the Trustor’s intent to transfer all present rights, title, and interest in the trust property, severing personal control to safeguard the assets from spurious claims, assumptive creditors, and any future specious liabilities. Once executed, this Trust shall be irrevocable, ensuring the Trustor retains no authority to modify, revoke, or reclaim any part of the assets, thus reinforcing the finality of the transfer.